Annual Report

Medical Check Up
Every students of SHANTI KUNJ PUBLIC SCHOOL under goes health Checkup once in the year by the reputed doctors.

The doctors include EYE, DENTAL, ENT. It is useful to assess normal development of the child.

Early detection of disease/abnormalities which when treated in time allows the child to lead a normal life.
Extra Carriculum Activity
It offer different kind of chance to explore new interest, that are not part of the regular part of school curriculum. They may provide more physical activities than what they would get during the school day at home.

It provides fun and enjoyment which can help keeps kids motivated about school, which their school works, becomes challenging e.g :- Painting, Drawing, Music, Dance, Student Government etc.
Game and Sports
A healthy mind resides in a healthy body is an unavoidable necessarily for all, particularly for school going students.

Sports stimulate the physical and mental growth of a child. A person who regularly plays sports develops a healthy body strength and a better coordination. The physical benefits also include maintaining healthy weight preventing chronic diseases and learning the skills necessary to maintain healthy lifestyle.
Science Exhibition
A science exhibition is a wonderful tool that engages students in learning new facts. It provides a platform for the students to use their scientific knowledge and bring the best invention from their brain. It also allows students to work together in groups maintaining discipline. Science begins with wonder scientific temperament and rational thinking.
Teaching yoga at school might help students feel better and improve their grades. In SHANTI KUNJ PUBLIC SCHOOL is on daily schedule. Each morning every classroom begin with the day with " Be Well " discussion about topics such as gratitude. Breathing yoga based movement helping students bring together attention to the present movement.
World Plantation Day

Principle's Desk

I am honoured and feel very privileged to be the Principal of Shantikunj Public School. I am always excited and look forward to working with our students, staff and parents to make Shantikunj Public School it can be. Our school is a school that prides itself on the relationship it has with its community. The school strives to educate students so that they are ready to reach their highest potential. My commitment to our community is to lead the school with enthusiasm and passion to enable us to reach our goals.

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